I finally got the nerve to order the grizzly bandsaw today. I bought it off of the grizzly site because they were cheaper and had what looks like a nice wheel base kit for it.
I spent considerable time outside today. Couldn't take this cabin fever any more! I built a small fire brick version of a rocket heater near the wood pile and started it up. I am surprised but the thing actually works fairly well. I would have had to come back inside often to thaw my hands today because it was so cold, but the little fire place did the trick! I think that if I put a heat deflector over it that I could then use it to heat the little plastic roofed greenhouse I got earlier this year. After I got the fire going I went to work splitting wood. I got several large pieces split. I was keeping an eye out for wood that I could use to make a mallet. I found a couple pieces that looked suitable and pit them aside until tonight. After dinner I went out and started turning down one of the pieces to form the mallet head. I used a technique that I saw on YouTube what a guy uses a router instead of the lathe tools to cut the wood. I did try using the tools, but because I was turning the wood so that the grain was perpendicular to the rotation axis, the lathe tools were not doing very well. The router was a little scary to use at first, but once I turned the cylinder down a bit, the lathe ran smoother and I calmed down. Using the router was great! It took smaller chips off and cut much more uniform than a larger tool would have.
I didn't take pix tonight, but will add pictures tomorrow when I can!