Wood chips
I finally got around to using the woodchipper again - first time since I "refurbished" it. It works much nicer now!
I made about 2 cubic yards of chips. I used them on the strawberries and blueberries. |
Mulched the new blueberries |
They are blooming! |
Mulched the new strawberries |
Strawberry Progress
The old strawberries are getting closer to ripe! There are lots of them on the plants, but there are lots of them being eaten by critters too.
These plants are taking over the world with those runners! |
First picking of the berries! |
Smoe are still a bit green here, but they would be gone if I waited until next weekend! |
Tree damages
Well, some kind of critter, probably a ground hog, (maybe a rabbit?), has been gnawing on the base of some of my trees!
I put chicken mesh wire around the base of these tree cages to stop whatever is doing this damage. |
Weird |
Also, something is snipping OFF some of my new trees! At least 3 of the osage orange have been cut off about 3-4 inches from the ground! I am betting on rabbits. I have seen rabbits near these trees. I made chicken wire cages for all of the osage orange. Fingers crossed they don't go after the ginko trees nearby!
Trixie is back!
Our three-legged deer is back! She looks pregnant! We hadn't seen her for quite sometime and thought she didn't survive the winter, but she showed up one day all of the sudden!
Shes hard to see in these photos, but she is there! |
Cherries are ripening!
They are small, but I am lucky to have any at all. The deer seem to go freaking crazy over these things and tear down the lower limbs to get them!
I picked a few and froze them (and ate some). These are the sour cherries. The sweet cherries had some on too, but far fewer. |