Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Day!

Looks like I'm stuck here in the "city" (suburbs really) again this weekend!  Arg!!!

Big snowstorm - a nor'easter evidently, moved through and dumped almost 20" of snow on us.  Here are some pictures of my backyard here in Silver Spring, MD:

The snow has melted down a lot since yesterday, thank goodness!  You can see the little paths I dug out for my dog Smokey so he can go about his business without getting stuck in the snow!

I just checked my seedlings this morning and found more progress in the cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower tray.  Nothing yet in the onion tray.  Here are some pics:

Here is the tray containing the cabbages, brusselsprouts, and cauliflower.  I started turning on the light above the tray yesterday, once I thought enough of the seeds had put up their first leaves.  I turn the light on in the morning and turn it off at night.  I have been leaving the plastic tray cover on to keep the moisture level high so that the remaining seeds will germinate.

After all of the seeds have germinated, I will begin to leave the plastic tray cover off so that the plants won't rot!

Some of the plants look moldy!  I am not sure if that white fluff is actually mold though.  I am talking about the fibrous looking stuff, not the white "balls", which is simplPerlite.  I suspect the little white fibers might be the seed sending out feelers to start putting down roots!  In any case, those white fibers seem to go away in a day or so. 

I really should get an earlier start on the onions - maybe next year (well this year really) I will start seeds in the late fall....  In any case, I am definitely trying onion sets this year.  Onions are so critical to cooking!

Also, I welcome my new followers.   Well, my first and only followers, since I just recently  figured out how to allow followers!  

Today, I read a blog article: Canning Chicken, (from one of my new followers blogs, actually!) that has motivated me to finally try it!  

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