I came up late Thursday so I could be here early Friday morning to be here for the tractor to be picked up (I called Hines in Everett to fix the radiator and maybe the backhoe!) Well, I am here now around 10:30 am and no sign of them! I called and they said sometime this afternoon! ARGG. With facing afternoon traffic out of DC and the rains (heavy rains and flash flooding in some areas along the way - Clear Spring MD looked like a hurricane moved through there!) it took me almost 4 hours to get here!
Anyway, I have been out and about to survey the farm. The gardens look like the weeds are going to win :( I can't get in to put down mulch! The "paw paw" patch looks like some of the plants might survive. Very poor showing on the carrots and beets though. The kale looks a bit rough too - but I planted so much I might get some anyway. I just cant bear to post picture of the patches yet. I should, I know - maybe later.
Many of the elderberries that I planted last year are bloom! I hope I get a nice crop this year. I want some elderberry jelly! |
Dead red-tailed hawk . Weird. I found one last year near a utility pole too. |
Grape trellis top braces are on and lower wire in place. I have been rushing to get this up. I am now training some of the little grape vines to the lowest wire! |
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