Been so busy with work and the farm that I haven't had the time to post here properly.
The weekend of the 24th of May was memorial day weekend. Katherine actually took time and came up with me! I don't remember everything I did, mowing - I am sure! LOL I do remember that I tilled and planted the garden over at mom's place that weekend. I took my tractor and tiller over on my trailer - first time I moved the tractor that way. Here is a pic:
The tilling was a little touch and go since I had an accident with the radiator fan blade on the tractor the weekend before. A stick (large stick) had run up into the blade when I was moving some brush and it hit the blade while it was running. Broke a lot of the plastic blade as shown here:
Because of the missing blade pieces the fan was no longer able to properly cool the radiator and it would get hot pretty fast when running the PTO (the tiller). Anyway, I got the garden tilled and using the earthway seeder device I was able to plant corn and some carrots. I also put a few melons in. There is still room for a couple rows of beans - I will have to bring some beans up next time to plant in there.
When we left for home we stopped by again and picked some rhubarb which we took home to freeze. You only have to clean and peel rhubarb (and chop to about 1 inch long pieces) to freeze it. I also vacuum packed them to help keep away freezer burn. Here they are - 8 1 lb packages (about 4 quarts):
When we got back to the city I found that some of the turnips were bolting so I thinned them out and cleaned, blanched and froze what I had - was only about 2 cups! I might end up doing that with the mustard too, maybe even the kale, since they are all ready. In fact, the arugula was bolting too, but there isn't anything I could do with it - so I cut the bolting stems and we will see if they produce any usable greens.
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