Missed a weekend due to some health issues.
On Wednesday I didn't eat anything from about 11:30 am on until about 7 (?) pm. Ken was over to the house and I broke out the wine. We ate a delicious dinner that Katherine prepared. We had Kale and some cheese ravioli in our own home canned tomato sauce - it was all very good! Too good. I ate double portion of the kale and drank the entire liter of wine all by myself! We went to bed around midnight. Then around 4:30am, Smokey needed to go out and started barking. Kathrine took him out and about that time I decided I needed to pee. I went into the bathroom and noticed that my stomach hurt and I was feeling nauseated. I felt like I was going to vomit so I knelt in front of the bowl. Next thing I know I was waking up and Katherine was on the phone with 911! She said that I had passed out and was having seizures! I felt like I had simply blacked out and tried to convince her of that, but no go. The paramedics arrived and checked me out quick, but to be safe they suggested that I go in with them. So I did. 2 CAT scans, bloods test and hours later it was determined that I had only passed out and that I had no signs of having had a seizure. Evidently it is not uncommon to "spazz" a bit when you have blacked out and that is what Katherine mistook for a seizure. Whew. None-the-less, I went into see Dr. Li Thursday and he wants me to see a cardiologist. Also gave me blood test prescription for damn near everything I think, I got home and made blood test "reservations" and went to them the next day, Friday. The cardiologist office actually called me to make the appointment! I made it for Nov 11, but they called later and had me move it until Nov 24th at 11:15am (which works perfectly since I have a dental cleaning that morning).
Anyway, Katherine wanted me to stay this weekend and since I needed to be back early (Monday starts my acting TA duty) I decided to stay. Also, Friday was Halloween and Katherine would have her hands full of taking care of Smokey and doling out candies to the weenies. Although, as it turned out, we got NO weenies at all! I think that is the first time that's happened. Maybe it was because Halloween fell on a Friday this year and there were parties being held that absorbed all of the kids? I was able to start on making some shelving for the canned goods for downstairs and I worked on trying to get our toilets back in shape. I finally got the hall bathroom toilet to stop leaking around the bowl-to-tank bolts by using some silicone grease between the rubber washers and the tank surface. The master bathroom toilet got a new fill-valve and new water fill line. That stopped the leak from tank but then the flapper valve started leaking pretty bad, so I replaced that. It still leaked! All I can think of at this point is that the overflow pipe and the tank-to-bowl seal should be replaced so that I can get a decent flapper valve seat installed. I am pretty sure its leaking BELOW the new seat. Anyway, that's not critical so I am letting that sit until winter when I will probably get stuck down here in town. I also replaced a bunch of the fluorescent tube light bulbs out in the shop and downstairs. They were all burned out. I bought an 8 pack and used all but 2.
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