Milling Arbor work
I got to farm a bit late. I immediately got to work mowing the front - all the grass is tall because we skipped last weekend. I didn't even get the front mowed before the rains came. I decided to go out to the shop to try out my new keyway milling cutter.
I grabbed an old piece of junk steel - probably some hot rolled stuff - and turned it relatively true (I really just turned off the rust and pitting) |
Then I just placed the rod in the milling vise - did a slip-shod eyeball alignment and started cutting! |
It actually cut very nicely. The measure width is 0.191" I should check them width for fit before I do the arbor. |
I will "dial in" the actual arbor to make sure everything is good. I still haven't confirmed that the tool will fit into where it needs to be for the arbor keyway.
Since it was raining so much this weekend I couldn't get out to do much on the farm, so I went ahead and dialed in my abor on the milling machine. I had to really mess with the setup to get things aligned - but I finally got it good enough!
My duplicate arbor |
the original arbor |
Both new and old - side by side. Very close match! I couldn't mill into the flange as far, but I did a fit test into the spindle and mine fits perfectly! |
Not bad for my first "woodruff' keyway cut! |
The fact that the edge of the cut looks square indicates that I was aligned with the center of the shaft. |
Garden planting
I worked all day on the paw-paw patch. I first mowed around the patch to make putting the new fence up easier. It fought me - but I got the fence in and the sweet potatoes and tomatoes transplanted. There is still plenty of space in the patch yet. I only had 37 sweet potatoes - 13 had died because they were shipped so early and hanging out under lights since then. I started planting them about a foot apart, but expanded them out to maybe 2 feet by the end of planting. Its just 2 rows of sweetpotato. I had 18 tomatoes to transplant - I just spaced them out to fit in one row.
Here is a new garden layout diagram:
Fence is up and the sweet taters are in |
Paw paw patch still has room for something |
Sweet potatoes are in - 37 of them out of the 50 I bought - the rest died :( |
All of the tomatoes are in |
It was raining so much that I barely had time to plant any corn. I did manage to get 3 rows of "old" seed in. This might work out OK - they suggest staggered planting so that you have fresh corn over a wide range of time. |
The brassicas that i planted last time are looking good! |
They are blooming!
Sugar and Frisco
We took the puppies out for walks. Katherine is scared to death they will get lost out there in the woods so I bought some fencing and will try to put it up next weekend.
The puppies resting after playing hard! |
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