Choke Cherries and choke berries
The ground was finally was dry enough (just barely) to plant the remaining trees from my Cold Stream Farm order. 30 Choke Cherries and 25 choke berries. They get planted close together so they don't take up a lot of space like the other trees. All of these pretty much fit into the old garden plot! Fortunately, these plants supposedly do well in wet soils, otherwise this would be a very bad place to plant them. The evening of the day that I planted these it rained again and this area was back to being a big mud puddle!
At the end of the row on the right I extended the row to hold an extra 3 choke cherries and one leftover chokeberry |
It was still damn muddy! Water was standing at the bottom of some of the holes I dug for these trees |
Transplanted some pine trees and some locust trees
I dug up some of the locust trees that volunteered in the front patch last year. I moved them to fill in the 3rd (bottom) row along to steep hill where the other locust trees are. I also replaced a few of the ones that died last year. I didn't swap out any of the ones that the deer damaged. I am hoping that they recover on their own. The deer tore the tops clear out of some of them, but these are tough trees and the root system should be in good shape. We will see. I transplanted around 33 of these little guys.
Definitely need to get more surveyor's flags! These things will be hard (harder) to see when the grass kicks in! |
These trees are really taking their time in growing. I have some locust trees (in more hospitable areas) that have grown to almost 10 feet tall in the same period of time! |
I dug these pine trees up from near my wood shed. I think there are more here this year than last year! |
Different varieties too. |
Dead |
A survivor! |
Several of these died last year during the drought. |
Deer trimmed this one pretty hard. I hope it will grow ok. |
I believe I took three bucket loads of transplants |
I am planting some of these closer together. They were plenty far apart. I want to reforest this area since its so steep and otherwise unuseable. |
I figure I put in at least 15 new pine trees and probably replaced 4 dead ones. I really want to reforest that back hill. It is so steep and rocky, I don't think I would have used to for pasture - I would be afraid the animals would hurt themselves on that slope!
Plane reconditioning continues
I unpacked all of my planes and ebay buys for some pictures.
My Wooden wood planes! These have blades too wide to sharpen on my Worksharp machine I think |
I don't think that any of these "extra" components that I bought will be useful |
My Adze! |
I did start sharpening some of the blades for the "extras" and the small block planes. I got about 5 done I think. So far, the plane blades aren't as bad as the chisels were. I am able to start with 120 grit (I ordered a bunch more 120 an 400). Keeping the blades square in the sharpening jig is not as easy as I would like. When making the micro bevels I have to be careful to get them even.
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