Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fruit preservation continues, final peaches picked and CORN!

Fruit leather

I believe I have already mentioned that I love fruit leather and have committed myself to making a bunch of it as a way of preserving my fruit.  This stuff is great.  I can take it to work easily, its very compact, and is fairly easy processing work compared to canning.  I did several batch this weekend.  Elderberry, peaches and pears and I think maybe some apples made it in.

Corn harvest

I had no need for corn this year, I just planted the old seed I had just to get rid of it.  Didn't do much to take care of it either (although Katherine did pull a few weeds in one section, the bulk of the corn patch was never weeded or cared for).  Nonetheless, we got a fairly impressive harvest of corn!

Katherine did most of the hard work on this.  I simply picked, helped shuck, and put the loose corn into the freezer bags and vacuum sealed them.  All told we got 46 pints!!!

Canning Pears

It's a bit embarrassing, but I have gotten so far behind in these blog updates that I don't know which of the varieties of pear I am canning here!    I believe these are still the "top of the hill" variety of pear, but I can't find any picture records of the other variety.  Quite disturbing.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the canned pears:

I am not even sure how many pints I canned!  Holy Moly, I have to do better!

Gala Apples Picked

I went ahead and picked the rest of (the bulk of) the Gala apples.  We got a decent number of them.  Using these mostly as eating apples since they are in pretty good shape and should keep for a few weeks.
Well, the bottom container apples aren't in great shape - these will be used for leather or apple crisp!
These are "eating" apples!

Picked the last of the peaches

The peaches on the smaller tree started falling so I decided to go ahead and pick them all.  We got quite a crop from just one small tree!  By the way, there are a couple of those "Korean Giant" pears on top of the peaches there - evidently, the only picture I have of these pears this year!

See the two pears?

Amazing amount of peaches off of one little tree!

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