Sunday, March 4, 2018

Grape vine pruning time!

But first, more plastic stuff!

I printed out some more shop stuff to try out this week.  I made a handle for the mill head screw and a handle for the tensioner on the belt-grinder.  Both worked!  The mill-handle is not strong enough though.  Also, it could be a bit bigger to give more mechanical advantage.  I will have to redesign a bit.

This is based on a thingiverse design for a beertap handle.  I did some extensive changes to come up with this.  Pretty much only used the threaded portion of the original design.  The threads fit perfectly though!

This part actually helps quite a bit too.

Obviously, this part needs longer arms!  There is not much mechanical advantage as-is.  I guessed the center shape and it turned out damn near perfect!

I think I will move the nut portion to one end and extend the arm length a bit.  Maybe I will use a bearing instead of those plastic handles too - they don't help much.

Grape Vine Pruning and Cordon Training

The grape vines are finally big enough to train onto the arbor!  I was able to move most of the vines into some kind of cordon system.  A few were still too small or not cooperative, but most are moving in the right direction.  I did notice some diseased areas though, so I will need to keep up the fungicide and I plan on fertilizing again this year.  Also, I plan on some kind of fence defense against the wildlife onslaught. 

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