Sunday, April 8, 2018

Locust trimming, spraying, and pecan planting

Locust trimming

I finally got to trimming the locust trees.  There are a lot of locust trees here!  The locust tree beetle is really doing a lot of damage to these trees.  I even saw some of the bugs!

Lots of trimmings!  I wanted to burn these but they are too green!  I will let dry a bit before burning.

Spraying the trees!

I didn't get any pictures of it, but I sprayed the bejesus out of the trees!  Not much to see anyway.  I sprayed the locust with dormant oil mixed with carbaryl (sevin), dormant oil on the remaining fruit trees, and deer repellant on the white pines, forsythia, choke berry/cherry, and elderberry!  Whew.  Lots of spraying!  Really.  It took most of a day!

Northern Pecans and Hican planting

Seems like I am missing a weekend here somewhere, but I can't figure out where, so I am sticking this in here!   The pecans and hicans arrived!  They are not of great quality - the roots are barely formed and the grafts are still wrapped.  I hope they survive!  

I had to plant these deep to accept the long root stem on these trees.  Also, I unwrapped the grafts, that seemed very new...

At 60 feet apart, it took the top half of the field to hold all of these!  I will need to cage these so that the deer don't damage and so the farmer doesn't run them down when he makes hay!

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