Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Things I learned when building my woodshed (TLBW?)

Here are some observations to take note of if building another such structure:

  1. Use square posts, if possible.
  2. If using non-square posts, try to make sure they are at least straight as possible.
  3. When checking the layout of the posts, check their tops AND bottoms!  The bottoms my be square but the tops may be out!  Of course, this isn't as much a problem if you have straight posts (see #2)!

    BTW: I DID align/check-for-perpendicular the posts used in the woodshed, but the posts where not straight and therefore, after I cut the tops off my posts to obtain the roof slope I wanted, the new "tops" where no longer directly above the posts bottoms! 
  4. Put the "girts" on the upper and lower roof portions before placing rafters.  I simply placed the rafters between the upper and lower roof posts first and then "filled in".  This caused the rafters to be non-parallel which eventually led to the roof being very hard to put on straight!

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