It was cold going, but I got the third side to the woodshed up! Now I am thinking of fully enclosing it, lol! But, enclosing it doesn't need to happen before I can use it for wood!
It looks pretty good in my opinion - especially considering the quick and dirty construction! The only things I bought were the roofing and the fasteners. The wood was either fresh milled or reclaimed from inside the old barn. |
I am strongly tempted to close the front left bay and put some kind of door on the right side. Or maybe a door on each side? In either case, I need to mill more boards! |
I am also thinking of putting down some drainage tile in the ditch in front of the shed and covering the tile with blue-stone to at lease the level of lower floor joists. That way I don't have to worry about snakes and things under the shed biting me when I enter or leave the shed! |
I didn't quite get all of the wood moved from the shop, but another day should have that done. I had to leave the farm earlier than I wanted because of an impending snowstorm. I hope there isn't too much snow left next weekend that I can't get the remaining wood moved!
Not much left to go - but that stuff is hard to get to! You can kinda see the effects of the collapse on the left there... |
Leaves me some good room for shelving and maybe a chop saw station? |
Lots of cleaning yet to do, but this is a huge start! |
Auger PTO parts
I damaged my auger a couple weekends ago by not paying attention to what I was doing while using the front forks to move some old rotted wood out of the way of my trail between the garage and the barn. Lots of hill is in that trail and the auger bottomed out and did not do so well against the frozen ground.
You can see that the universal joint is broken here and that the yoke is bent out of shape. |
There is a square female portion of the PTO drive to the auger under that dirt. |
The pieces of the universal are attached to the shaft. |
I went to tractor supply company (TSC) and I think I found the parts I need. They are close matches anyway. I should check to make sure that the square shaft fits into the auger drive before I do anything with the universal repair. The universal repair requires a arbor press which I need to take up to the farm next time.
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