Sunday, February 26, 2017

Grape Vine and Fruit tree trimming. Chopsaw station

Water tanks

They didn't arrive on Friday the 24th as expected.  Damn.  NTO contacted me just before they closed to say that the sub-contractor needed my phone number.  IDK why NTO just didn't given them my number..

Anyway, I was able to contact the local/sub on Monday morning (everyone was closed over the weekend) and arranged for delivery at the farm on March 3.  That's my CWS day but I will have to be there that morning so I will probably take off for the farm Thursday afternoon.

Grape vine and Fruit Tree trimming started

It was a real nice day on Friday - I mean like in the 70's!  So i decided to work out trimming the grapes and trees.  I have been sick the last couple of weeks so this was really nice to get out in the nice weather.  I got the grape vines entirely trimmed and 13 of the fruit trees done before I called it quits for the day.   It rained and was miserable on Saturday, but I was able to get back out on Sunday, and managed to trim another couple of rows of trees.  I still have about 4 rows left to trim.

Jay Knepper stopped by and asked if I could help him trim some plum trees next weekend.  I said sure.  The trees he described are much older trees that aren't producing like they should, probably because they haven't been pruned properly for that last several years.  I will take a look and see.

Chops saw station and more shop cleanup

I did some estimating and thinking and video watching until I came up with a design for a chopsaw station that should work for me.   I have a lot of "scrap" wood in the shop that is in my way - in fact it was in the way of where I wanted to put the chop saw station!  So I used as much of that scrap as I could in building the station..  I still needed to do a good amount of cleanup and fiddling around to get the chop saw station installed.  I must admit though that having more table space really helps when cutting the OSB sheets!  Here are some pictures:

I used 3 different non-connected tables.  This helped in leveling later but my intent was so that I could use the tables as outfeed for the table saw - which is at the same height.

I used the remains of an old barn gate for the table top of the chopsaw table and for the underneath storage shelves

Its hard to see in this picture, but the table to the right looked way off square. I checked it and the table was ok - but the FLOOR was really off level there!

I added shims under the feet of the two tables on the ends.   Look at the feet of the table on the right - the far right side has almost a 1/2 inch shim under it to bring to level!

Each table is level, the and chopsaw is shimmed up to level between the tables.

I hope I don't need to move these much! LOL Shimming is easy but it could be painful if I have to redo it alot.

The shelf on the left of this picture needs to be moved so that I can get to my radial arm saw (I need it for dado cuts)

So I moved it here!  I am using it for fastener storage and some small tools

I can finally get to the raial arm saw again!  I still need to clean a lot of crap out of there though...

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