Sunday, June 18, 2017

More mulch! Things are growing!

Wow, Big mulch Pile!

The first thing I noticed when I pulled up this weekend was the HUGE pile of mulch the trimmer guys had left for me!  WOW!  Thanks guys!  I used the front loader on my tractor to heap this up so it would mulch better (and give me room on the driveway).  This stuff will come in handy.   By the way, it gets SUPER hot in these piles!

Free wood chips! Yay!

Here it is all squished together - quite a pile!

Confused turtle again

This little one keeps getting lost around the side of the house and then waylaid by the dog fence!  I moved him down below the house (just about 15 feet - not too far) so he could get to the woods and stream on the other side.

They can run much faster than you would think!

Stuff is coming up in the gardens!

The corn in the front patch is coming up!  Its sparse in some areas - but that may be because of old seed (and sometimes the planting machine gets finicky).

The beans are mostly up now too!

They are a little sparse on the left side though - did a critter get in and eat them off?  Or is it because its partially shaded there?  I put some chicken mesh around the base of the garden fence to stop the critter issues...

Raspberries are blooming!

They are growing quite well too.  Hopefully I will get some good berries off this!

Mulched the "old" blueberries

I trimmed around the "old" blueberries and then applied mulch.  They look much better now and I shouldn't have to trim around them so much with all of that mulch!

Garden progress

The tomatoes and the cabbages and broccoli are coming along.  The cabbages and broccoli look like they need some sevin!  I think I did put sevin dust on these before I left.

See the holes in the leaves?  BUGS!

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