Sunday, May 7, 2017

More Rain. Tree status

I am doing this update almost a month later!  I have just been that busy at work - ugh.  I still am but I really want to record some of this stuff.

Fruit Trees

Despite the rains, its been a good year so far for the fruit trees.  My trees didnt get hit by the frosts.  It was close though.  There was some frost damage in the lower areas new the forsythia, but the fruit trees seemed ok.


The new planting of sour cherries.  I discovered as I was planting that this area has more clay than I would've liked.  Oh well, as the wheel wills...

The "old" sour cherries have a good crop on them now... 

We will see how they do with the deer and bird presence...

Here is one of the new cherry trees blooming!

The grape vines are even getting ready to bloom!

Lots of peaches setting too - but we all know peaches tend to drop...

Braces that I put on to spread the limbs are holding surprisingly well.
Pears.  Asian pears coming in.

Crab-apple tree - fighting for its life.  I think that when I put these young trees in the "tree sleeves" that caused fungus or disease to bloom.  I am not putting new/replacement crab-apples (or any fruit trees) in those tree-sleeves.

I am not sure if these are crab-apples or regular apples...

Cherry trees all caged up!
Signs of life in these new tree-lings!


LOTS of rain this spring.  2-3 inches per week lately.  Here are some random shots are the place.

Just a big screen shot of the orchard



The "old" blueberries


I managed to (just) get the tomatoes in the ground before the rain!  It was a herculean effort because I also had to put up the fence and put down the black plastic.  I cant remember if I tilled that day too - maybe!

The rain really battered them down.  Some even broke off!

Long distance shot of the garden.  Only tomatoes in there now (the strawberries and blueberries are in the back)

Cottonwood blooming again!


 Locust trees blooming!

I cant believe I never noticed these things blooming before.  Now I can't look anywhere without noticing them!



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