Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rasided bed status and produce. Cabbage patch mulched. Mowers broken

This is a fast update - mostly captions on pics!

I thought I should do an update on the raised beds in MD since they are the main producers right now...

I harvested some collard greens and cooked them with homemade chicken stock.  I took some of the old chicken bones from the freezer and added a leg quarter and pressure cooked with some celery and onions (and a bay leaf and salt).  I canned 8 pints of the chicken stock in the PC!  First time that I have canned chicken stock!  Anyway, the good news is that I like collard greens!

Collard greens from the MD raised beds!  Cooked in homemade chicken stock.  

The cucs and the sunflowers looking good! Smokey approved!

Peppers (middle bed) are doing ok.  They need staking.

Another pic of the sunflowers and cuc's

It was a hard weekend on equipment.  Broke 2 mower blades on the husq and 1 on the Huskee.  When replacing the blade on the Huskee I stripped the spindle! ARGGG - NEVER use an impact wrench to tighten ANYTHING!!  I went to TSC and ordered spindle and picked up a spare deck belt for the husq. - the grinding up of the straw really burned out the old belt - which was already pretty old and worn.  Total list of problems is unavailable since I was overwhelmed!   husq deck weldment repair failed (fixed now), blades broken an replaced, spindle stripped, belt broken (good thing I picked up spare at TSC!), rear tire of Huskee leaked then flat and bead broken.

Finally got to mulch in the cabbages and Kale.  I was scrounging for mulch - even used some freshly gathered from mowing.  

MULCHED!  Weeds and grass subdued giving the cabbages a chance (I hope)  I also sprayed Sevin on the brassicas since many were almost completely stripped by cabbage worms!

Some cabbages are already dead I am afraid.  Even a couple of the big ones in the front of this picture are so water logged they are likely not to make it.


I got 3 solar powered lawn ornaments for kicks.  I like them!

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