Wednesday, September 4, 2013

cover crop research

I was reading about taproot radishes (or sodbuster radishes, etc) and Nitrogen fixing crops like rye of alfalfa.  Some companies sell seed mixes so you only have to sow once.  Here are some inks:

Not very informative, but I think they sell seed! : Seed Ranch

Sustain Seeds (specifically check out their Hardpan drill mix!

and Cover Crop Solutions (I think they are related to Sustain somehow)


  1. UPDATE: I narrowed what I want down to taproot radishes and hairy vetch. Center Seeds ( ) sells the stuff, but I wonder if Knepper [(814)685-3342; 191 Appleby Rd, Waterfall, PA 16689] or Morral [(814) 652-2012; 54 E 4th Ave, Everett, PA 15537] might be cheaper (assuming they have the seeds)?

  2. FYI: I have the products I think I need in the shopping bag at center seeds:!/~/cart
